Facebook Marketplace has absolutely exploded over the last couple of years as it becomes one of the most popular online platforms to sell new or used goods.
Annndddd….since a lot of us makers have a seller’s mindset….it begs the question,
“Would I be able to sell what I build on Facebook Marketplace and get paid what it’s WORTH?!”
Well….it just so happens that the members of the Stud Stack had that very same question and came up with an entire LIST of things that they do to make successful sales on the platform. If you haven’t seen our video where they decided to share all their secrets to success, check it our below:
To be honest – it can be a little intimidating to start selling your work on a new platform! Is it a platform where people are looking to pay the lowest price for mostly used items? Are people interested in new items? What about custom items? A lot of these answers come from just experimenting with items – BUT!! part of what makes the maker community great is that we can learn from each other what WORKS and what DOESN’T WORK.
So, without waiting any longer….here are what the guys and gals in the Study Stack HIGHLY recommend doing for SUCCESSFUL SALES on Facebook Marketplace:
Price High!

Don’t let other peoples’ low prices on Facebook Marketplace scare you away from charging what your work is worth.
Make sure you’re not being swayed to lower the price of your valuable work just because other people are also selling items on there for a bargain. A lot of people on the platform are selling used items that are not full-price quality…you ARE!! You do awesome work, so you deserve to be compensated for it. Price high and find the customers who are willing to pay for your work. This will help filter out the people who simply want to nickel and dime you.
Give plenty of details in the post

You’re trying to eliminate those wonderful redundant questions…you know the ones…
Alright, this tip comes from @ww_woodworks:
You’re a busy person. You may not have time to play 20 questions with a potential client about the items you have for sale on Facebook Marketplace.
You know the questions we’re talking about!!
“How long is it?” “What colors does it come in?” “What type of wood is that?”
Try to answer as many questions as you can and list all of the necessary details about your work within your post – it’ll save you AND your potential clients precious time. By the time they’re ready to contact you, they’ll already know exactly what they want and be ready to buy!
Post pictures and prices for each individual item you’re selling

Showcase your awesome work!
In the past on Facebook Marketplace, we’ve seen people post 3-5 pictures of random pieces they’ve built with text underneath saying “Contact Me” and a price of $1.
The only issue with that is that people don’t necessarily know what exactly you’re selling or how much you charge for something they want. It forces you to be the one who filters out EVERY customer AFTER they’ve already spent time messaging you back and forth. If you post exactly what you’re selling with a set price attached to it…you’re already filtering through Facebook Marketplace users and finding the ones who want to buy what you make and can afford the price you are charging!
Posting exactly what you’re selling help clients connect the dots and figure out exactly what they want to buy from you.
Take good photos and stage as much as you can

Because nobody puts a $700 nightstand in a garage…
We totally get it – it’s way easier to not have to move the piece you just built into the house. It’s so much more convenient to snap a pic of that new desk in your shop or garage and post it right to Facebook Marketplace….HOWEVER:
It’s very difficult for people to visualize what that amazing desk will look like in their own home when it’s sitting on a cement floor with a table saw for a backdrop.
You want to show people just how GREAT your desk will look in THEIR living room or office by staging it in your OWN living room/office/family room! Honestly….this can just be setting the desk up against a plain white wall in your basement! Just as long as it looks like it’s in a home. Bonus points for staging it with a laptop, note pad, and lamp!!
Sell the item without even messaging?!

Because who else even does that?!
Okay, so this AMAZING tip comes from @vanpattenfurnishings:
In a world full of e-mails and text messaging…it can be hard to convey that you’re a real human being with a legit business.
Respond to and interested buyer’s message WITH A VIDEO OF YOU!! I know, the guys in the Stud Stack are wicked smart. Grab that phone, turn the camera around so it’s facing you, and start recording a message like,
“Hey! So glad to see you’re interested in the farmhouse desk! My name is {insert name} and I’m the one that will be building it for you. If I can get a phone number, I’d love to talk about your brand new desk. From there we can get a deposit and start working!”
Holy smokes. All of a sudden you’re a real person with a real face and a real business!
Select a safe place for delivery

We like to meet at a Home Depot….mostly because there’s probably something we also need to pick up there lol
We don’t recommend meeting at your or the customer’s home if you can help it. The safest places we’ve heard of to meet are well-lit parking lots in front of large stores or restaurants! We use Home Depot a lot! This is for your own safety as well as making the customer feel comfortable!
Electronic payment or cash only!

For safety purposes….
There are a couple of reasons we, as well as the Stud Stack, say to only to take electronic forms of payment or cash.
First off, it’s safest for you. Cash guarantees that the customer has the money to pay for the item right then and there. Electronic payment ensures the same thing! You have record that they paid, and so do they.
Also, people are very familiar with using credits cards! It’s a form of payment that most everybody is comfortable with!
Make answering questions easy

Even though you spent all that time typing it up…
Even though you listed all the critical details about the piece within your post, you’ll probably still get some questions. If you have set replies for common questions saved somewhere on your phone (like on a Notes app or something like that) you can just copy and paste them right into the Messenger app and save yourself some time typing up replies!
Stay calm and professional

You’re dealing with paying customers who could potentially turn into REPEAT customers!
We know that communicating with people online – especially when you’re selling something – can be frustrating at times. When it comes down to it, these people are still paying customers and have a higher chance of becoming repeat customers if you stay cool, collected, professional, and polite! It also makes you look like more of an established business and seller.
Assume they’re ready to buy

They reached out to YOU
When somebody is interested in what you’re selling and sends you a message about it – assume they are ready to purchase it! If they weren’t interested they wouldn’t have reached out to you, so use verbiage that implies that the sale is already closed. This removes the opportunity for you to accidentally talk them out of it or make it seem like the sale is not yet complete.
In Summary…
And there you have it!! An entire list of amazing tips to get you started selling your work on Facebook Marketplace! A huge thank you goes out to all of our awesome Stud Stack members who genuinely wanted to pass along their knowledge and experience to our audience!
At the end of the video linked at the top of this post, some of the guys from the Stud Stack talked about their experiences in the group and how they would love to see you there if you also have a desire to start selling what you make!! Huge thanks to
Jared with @woodworkingpelican
RJ with @makers_work
John with Black Ribbon Wood Doctor
for the Group shoutout!!
If you’re interested in joining the Stud Stack family, check it out here!
#pricingstructure #businesstips #Facebookmarketplace #woodworkingbusiness #electronicpayment #woodworking #marketing #sales #entrepreneur #maker #selling #sellonFacebookMarketplace
This post may contain affiliate links for products we used to create this project! If you’d like to check them out, we do get a small percentage of the sale and they are of no extra cost to you! It all goes towards supporting the content creation of Jennie and Davis. BUT – we do not take tool sponsorships and there were no tool endorsements. Just our honest opinions!